RRD Obsession 12 meters 2016 (Still in original package)

StatusFor sale
SellerDiogo Novella
Seller's phone0504050061
Price3,900 AED ( $1,061.947 )
Posted on26 June 2016

The Kite is a RRD Obsession 12 meters from 2016.
It is still in the original bag, never opened.
It does not have a bar, but it works with any other RRD/Airush Bar
It has never been used before.Its a cyan-yellow-black kite.
Selling the kite for AED 3900, its a more than 30% discount from the price you would pay enywhere else.
The RRD Obsession 2016 is a very light, fast, powerful, easy to depower and stable kite.
It only has 3 struts, and it is suitable for freestyle and also wave riding.
If you are interested or need any extra info, please give me a call or text me
Im able to meet you anywhere in Dubai, and would be happy to show it and unroll it to you.
Phone number: 0504050061.

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