Flysurfer Sonic 3 - 21m - new condition, machine for no wind.

StatusFor sale
SellerAlex Kkk
Seller's phone+971503635627
Price6,500 AED ( $1,769.911 )
Posted on12 February 2024

Flysurfer Sonic 3 - 21m - new condition, machine for no wind.
Bought 3 month ago
Perfect condition - less then 10 hrs on the water.
Lightwind machine - pulls like a truck in 4-5 knots
With a proper technique you will be going in 4-5 knots, and with the long lines and loop - 4 knots guaranteed
I foiled on it only and i'm lightweight, no twintip or jumping - kite in new condition.
Selling due to upgrade
50% discount of price of new
Kine only, no bar.

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