Flysurfer Psycho IV deluxe 15 metre

SellerJonathan L
Seller's phone0509958936
Price3,600 AED ( $980.259 )
Posted on5 October 2011

The kite is in great condition with no damage at all to the canopy.
Recently replaced the chicken loop and added 6 metre extensions to the lines to get a bit more out of the low end.
For more full details go here:
It turns faster than most large foils, has amazing depower and is incredibly stable.
Bought in May /June 2010 as an ex demo and used for just more than a year.
This is the deluxe version which means they used some special lighter fabric.
Fantastic kite for Dubai. Great low end - no pumping or bladders to worry about!
Comes with infinity bar

050 995 8936

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